Wednesday, February 26, 2014


Mother of Impossible Causes
 I ask thee shield me against snares
and traps of my enemies. 
You never abandon or forget those
who invoke thy aid in times of difficulties
and with your miracles
of defeating and conquering all obstacles
I place this most impossible
favor at thy feet:
[say your favor 3 times]
And I invoke thy  total  protection  
from all  crime, harm and evil.

With all my heart I implore you,
grant me your help
Help me over come this impossible problem
 I place at thy Holy feet.
My Mother I beg thee
look down upon me with eyes of pure pity
and I beg thee do not permit harm
or ill will to befall upon me.
Obtain for me the graces and favors
I beg of you in this prayer
I place upon thy Altar
I ask thee with all my heart
( mention your favor) 
That I may be free from this problem
that is preventing me from standing
 in thy Holy Light.
I ask thee Mother of Impossible Causes,
protect me always and never forget me.


  1. Mother of Impossible Causes
    I ask thee shield me against snares
    and traps of my enemies.

    You never abandon or forget those
    who invoke thy aid in times of difficulties
    and with your miracles
    of defeating and conquering all obstacles
    I place this most impossible
    favor at thy feet:

    Madrina please intercede for me, accept my meager offerings. Please keep me and my son safe. Please make it so I am not humiliated when I go see my father and I hope you cause him to help me and my son get a home of our own. Please bring me the miracles of replenishing my funds already spent and saving what I have and having all my needs taken care of. Please help me find the job I am asking for, maybe you can find Nina so she hires me. I ak in the lords name Amen.

    And I invoke thy total protection
    from all crime, harm and evil.

  2. Madrina thank you for all you help me with and all that you have helped me with and I ask you once again as I place at your feet my meager gift of bourbon candles and flowers, that you bless me with the strength and the courage to do what pm is necessary to get all the mo@ey that this family needs to move Santa Muerte and that you leave a little on the bone for my family.
    Thank you and I ask for your advice intervention in my time of need. I love you as you love me . I give to you as you give to me. Watch and protect us all whom the rest of the world rejects. Thank you holy mother Santa Muertr, I am forever your servent and will continue tobspead word of your great the name of the father son and the holy Apr it amen

  3. Ante ti vengo Mi Santisima Muerte con la fe de me alma a buscar tu sagrado consuelo en mi difícil situación; no me desampares Señora, en las puertas que se me han de abrir mi camino, sea tu guadaña poderosa la que las abra para darme la tranquilidad que ansió.
    (Haga 3 peticiones difíciles)
    Suplica que te hace un corazón afligido por los duros golpes del cruel destino que lo han vencido siempre en la lucha humana, ya que si tu poder divino no intercede en mi favor sucumbiré por la falta de tu ayuda.
    Poderosa Santa Muerte asísteme, ampárame, protégeme, y concédeme lo que te pido.
    (Reza por 15 días y publica cada día)

  4. Than k you Thank you Santa Muerte for always answering my prayers and protecting me.

  5. Thank you for allowing me to keep my business and for all the things you have helped me with I will always honor and praise you thank you so much mi Nina hermosa

  6. La Santisima Muerte please hear my prayers use all your precious powers that are great God almighty is giving you to Grant the petition I ask of you
